Gallery of images from MandelZoom 2.0

Here are some images captured during testing of the program. The three last digits in the name  indicates the number of magnification steps from the start-up image. Each step corresponds to a doubling of the magnification. Thus image-023.gif is calculated with a magnification of 2^23. The program uses floating point arithmetic up to magnification 2^46, after that arbitrary precision integer math is used.

The magnification limit is somewhere around 2^15000,  I have tested with 2^5000.

The start image always looks like this:

(click on the images to get full resolution)

Series Misc images
Series Arms
Series Corkscrew
Series Line 1
Series Line 2
Series Line 3
Series Spark gap
Series Star
Series Ufo
Series Wheel

Some MPEG-2 films can be found here